Avrupa Sol PartisiYKP, Avrupa Sol Partisi (EL) toplantılarına katılacak
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YKP, Avrupa Sol Partisi (EL) toplantılarına katılacak

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Yeni Kıbrıs Partisi’nin de gözlemci üye olduğu Avrupa Sol Partisi (EL) Akdeniz Konferansı hazırlık toplantısı 19 Temmuz tarihinde Roma’da gerçekleştirilecek. YKP’yi temsilen Yürütme Kurulu üyesi Murat Kanatlı toplantıya katılacak…

Toplantılarda Akdeniz bölgesinde uluslararası durum ve gelişmeler ele alınırken ayrıca 2017’de gerçekleşecek Akdeniz Konferansı’nın da süren çalışmaları ele alınacak…

Avrupa Sol Partisi Yaz Üniversitesi İtalya’yada gerçekleşecek!

Avrupa Sol Partisi (EL) Yaz Üniversitesi 10. kez 20-23 Temmuz tarihlerinde İtalya’nın Chianciano bölgesinde gerçekleşecek…

Yaz Üniversitesinde tanınmış akademisyen ve siyasal figürlerin de katılarak görüşlerini aktaracağı seminerler yapılacak… Geçen yıllarda olduğu gibi, neo-liberal saldırganlık, ekoloji, emek ve barış gibi farklı başlıklarda birçok seminer düzenlenecek.

YKP’yi temsilen toplantıya katılacak Yürütme Kurulu üyesi Murat Kanatlı 18 Temmuz’da adadan ayrılacak ve 24 Temmuz’da adaya geri dönecek…

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Wednesday 20 July

17:30 – 20:00 Opening session & Plenary Europe, after Brexit

-Fabio Amato, EL – Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

-Maite Mola, EL Vice-President – Izquierda Unida (Spain)

-Haris Golemis, Transform! (Greece)

-Eleonora Forenza, MEP Altra Europa (Italy)


Thursday 21 July EUROPE

9:30 – 11:30 Plenary Alliance against austerity: debt, euro-zone, for a left alternative

-Connie Hildebrandt, Transform!

-Fabio De Masi, MEP Die Linke (Germany)

-Paolo Ferrero, National Secretary Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

Moderator: Marga Ferré, Transform!

11:30 – 12:30 Workshop: Communication


13:00 Lunch


14:00 Culture Workshop “Border café” promoted by Ritva Harle (Finland)

16:00 – 18:00 Plenary The future of EU integration: the 5 Presidents’ report and the left

-Marisa Matias, EL Vice-President – MEP Bloco de Esquerda (Portugal)

-Matt Carthy, MEP Sinn Féin (Ireland)

-Maite Mola, EL Vice-President – Izquierda Unida (Spain)

-Neoklis Sylikiotis, Vice-President of GUE/NGL – MEP AKEL (Cyprus)

Moderators: Fabio Amato, EL – Rifondazione Comunista (Italy) & Roberto Morea, Transform!

18:00 – 20:00 Two seminars:

EL-FEM Feminists fighting back right-wing attacks on Women’s rights in the areas of Women’s employment and labour legislation, reproductive rights, sexual diversity and family politics

-Bärbel Lange et al. (Die LINKE/Germany)

-Gitte Pedersen et al. (Red-Green Alliance/Denmark, EL-FEM)

Moderator: Judith Benda, EL – Die Linke (Germany)

Europe between hope and fear, the challenge of the left and the nightmare of the far right

-Yiannis Bournous, EL – SYRIZA (Greece)

-Gilles Garnier, EL – PCF (France)

-Joanna Gwiazdecka, Rosa Lux. Foundation Warsaw (Poland)

Moderator: Martin Schirdewan, Rosa Lux. Foundation (Germany)


Friday 22 July LABOUR

9:30 – 11:30 Plenary Against precariousness and unemployment: working time reduction

-Pierre Laurent, EL President – National Secretary PCF (France)

-Gianni Rinaldini, President Sabattini Foundation and former General Secretary FIOM/CGIL (Italy)

-Benjamin Pestieau, member of the PTB Bureau (Belgium)

-Georgios Katrougalos, Minister of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity of the Greek Government – SYRIZA (Greece)

Moderator: Roberta Fantozzi, Responsible of Economic policies Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

11:30 – 12:30

Book presentation ” Ci è rimasta la ragione”, meeting with the author Ivan Nardone

Informal EL-FEM Meeting Organization of our next conference and the Women’s Assembly at the Party Congress


13:00 Lunch


14:00 – 15:00 Informal EL-FEM Meeting continued

15:00 – 17:00 Plenary TTIP and the others. Trade liberalization and social, environmental and human rights

-Eleonora Forenza, MEP member of International Trade committee – Altra Europa (Italy)

-Adoración Guamán, Transform!

-Hanna Sarkkinen, MP Vasemmistoliitto (Finland)

-Monica Di Sisto, Fairwatch Vice-President

Moderator: Natasa Theodorakopoulou, EL – SYRIZA (Greece)

17:00 – 19:00 Two seminars:

EL-FEM Feminist critique of neoliberal economy and the places it assigns to Women: strategies against impoverishing Women

-Imma Barbarossa (EL-FEM, European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI/Italy)

-Marina Gržinić, artist, philosopher, Academy Science&Arts (Slovenia)

-Katerina Papatheodorou, EL-FEM, Department for feminist Policy and Gender of SYRIZA (Greece)

Moderator: Hilde Grammel, EL-FEM – KPO (Austria)

Collective bargaining and reconstruction of industry policy in Europe

-Domenico Moro, author of Globalization and Industrial Decadency

-Paloma Lopez, MEP Izquierda Unida (Spain)

-Loudovikos Kotsonopoulos, Transform!

Moderator: Maxime Benatouil, Espace Marx (France)


Saturday 23 July PEACE

9:30 – 11:30 Plenary Migrants, refugees and wars

-Aslı Aydın, EL – ÖDP (Turkey)

-Heinz Bierbaum, Die Linke (Germany)

-Nektarios Bougdanis, member of the Secretariat of the Foreign Policy Department – Syriza (Greece)

-Stefano Galieni, PRC (Italy)

Moderator: Inger V. Johansen, EL – Red-Green Alliance (Denmark)

11:30 – 12:30 Book presentation “The radical left in Europe”, meeting with the author Marco Damiani, PhD in Political Science, University of Perugia


13:00 Lunch


14:00 Workshop: Migration “Hosting refugees and migrants – solidarity and integration policies vs. Xenophobia”

16:00 – 18:00 Two seminars:

EL-FEM The global humanitarian crisis: women trapped between (civil) wars and European border regimes

-Sabine Lösing, MEP – Die Linke (Germany)

-Ioanna Kanavou, Head-coordinator of the Department for Feminist Policy and Gender – Syriza (Greece)

-Myassa Kraitt, Co-founder and advisor at the Extremist Information Center (Austria-Irak)

Moderator: Birge Krondorfer, EL-FEM, Political philosopher

EU neighbours policy and NATO expansion

-Claudia Haydt, EL – Die Linke (Germany)

-Veronika Sušová-Salminen

-Inna Shupac, EL – MP Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova

Moderator: Giovanna Capelli, EL – Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

18:00 – 20:00 Plenary: Conclusions of the Summer University & Plenary

For a socialist, ecologist and feminist alternative

-Pierre Laurent, EL President – National Secretary PCF (France)

-Alberto Garzón, Izquierda Unida coordinator (Spain)

-Paolo Ferrero, National Secretary Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

-Eleonora Forenza, MEP Altra Europa (Italy)

-Monica Valente, Foro de São Paulo, Executive Secretary – PT (Brasil)

-Roberto Musacchio, Altra Europa (Italy)

-Yiannis Bournous, SYRIZA (Greece)

-Connie Hildebrandt, Transform!

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