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cprob18Karpaz’da 1974 yılı sonu itibari ile 20 bin Kıbrıslı Rum yaşamaktaydı. Ağustos 1975’te, 3. Viyana antlaşması sonucunda 12.289 Kıbrıslı Rum Karpaz’da yaşamaya karar verdi, diğerleri BM gözetiminde Kıbrıs’ın güneyi göç etti.

3. Viyana antlaşması çerçevesinde Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde kalan tüm Maronit ve Kıbrıslı Rumların can ve mal güvenliği sağlanarak kuzeyde yaşamalarının koşulları yaratılacaktı ama bunun olmadığını bugünkü rakamlara bakarak anlamak mümkündür.

1975’ten bugüne geçen sürede BM Barış Gücünün görev süresi uzatılması raporuna da yansıyan rakam 347 Kıbrıslı Rum ve 120 Maronit Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde yaşıyor… Yani binlerce Kıbrıslı Rum ve Maronit 1975 yılında kuzeyde kalmaya karar vermesine , can, mal güvenliği sağlanacak, dolaşım, eğitim ve sağlık hizmeti alma özgürlükleri olacak denmesine rağmen sağlanmadığı, özgürlükleri kısıtlandığı için güneye göçtü.

10 bin kusur azalan Karpazdaki nüfustaki dramatik düşüş bunun en açık göstergesi…


Yıllara göre azalan Karpaz’daki Kıbrıslı Rum nüfusu

Yıl sonu Kuzeydeki Kıbrıslı Rumlar
1974 12.289
1975 9.544
1976 4.095
1977 2.627
1978 2.315
1979 1.989
1980 1.807
1981 1.477
1982 1.316
1983 1.250
1984 1.133
1985 1.050
1986 1.015
1987 951
1988 908
1989 869
1990 824
1991 788
1992 753
1993 728
1994* 715


The Third Vienna Agreement – August 1975

Communique issued after the third phase of the intercommunal talks in Vienna

The third round of talks on Cyprus was held in Vienna from 31 July to 2 August 1975.

Preliminary discussions were held on the powers and functions of a federal government on the basis of the original Greek Cypriot proposals submitted at the first round, the Turkish Cypriot paper of the 21st of July and the more comprehensive paper presented by Mr. Clerides at this meeting. Further examination of this subject will continue in Nicosia with a view to a final discussion, together with the other aspects relating to the solution of the Cyprus problem, at the next round of talks. Mr. Denktash expressed his views on the comprehensive paper submitted by Mr. Clerides and also on his own proposals for a transitional joint government submitted by him on 18 July. Mr. Clerides referred to his previous position in this regard.

A discussion of the geographical aspects of a future settlement of the Cyprus problem took place. It was agreed that Mr. Clerides and Mr. Denktash would have further private talks on this subject prior to the fourth round of the Cyprus talks with a view to preparing the discussion of this matter which will take place at that time.

In addition the following was agreed:

1. The Turkish Cypriots at present in the South of the Island will be allowed, if they want to do so, to proceed North with their belongings under an organized programme and with the assistance of UNFICYP.
2. Mr. Denktash reaffirmed, and it was agreed, that the Greek Cypriots at present in the North of the Island are free to stay and that they will be given every help to lead a normal life, including facilities for education and for the practice of their religion, as well as medical care by their own doctors and freedom of movement in the North.
3. The Greek Cypriots at present in the North who, at their own request and without having been subjected to any kind of pressure, wish to move to the South will be permitted to do so.
4. UNFICYP will have free and normal access to Greek Cypriot villages and habitations in the North.
5. In connection with the implementation of the above agreement priority will be given to the re-unification of families, which may also involve the transfer of a number of Greek Cypriots, at present in the South, to the North.

The question of displaced persons was also re-examined.

Although both sides again affirmed that they were not knowingly holding undeclared prisoners-of-war or other detainees, it was agreed mutually to extend full facilities for searches in response to information given by either side.

Both sides declared that the Nicosia International Airport, which has been repaired by the United Nations under the agreement reached at the first round, can be used, as a first step, by the United Nations for its needs.

The fourth round of talks will take place, due to the Secretary General’s commitments in regard to the General Assembly, at United Nations headquarters in New York on 8 and 9 September 1975.

2 August, 1975


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